T: Title
O: Orientation( when where who what why )
P: Problem
S: Solution
On sunday I saw 3 people going into a forest with a dirt trail. I was wondering what they were doing Hmm I followed them. And I was like a ninja. It looked lIke they disappeared into the trees but they just went to the bench for lunch.I heard my stomach rumble. I was sooooooo hungry. So i tried to get some food without getting court but then he saw me. He said “do you want some food”
“I said” yes
“He” said help yourself.
“I” said thank you.
“He said” me his name his name was jerry and his son was Bob and his other son was called Jeff.
I tried not to laugh it was pretty funny he he he.
So I started to hang out with them a little and we saw a snake so we ran I went home to my family. And I don't know what they did. When I got home “I said” Finally far they were annoying.
Then i went to bed and woke up and realized it was all a dream. I went to go outside and they were there “Jerry” said hi
And i ran upstairs and looked down the stairs and he wasn't there and was hungry i must of been seeing things and he ate and dank and he felt better i just needed to eat then he saw him in the window dun dun dun.
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